Best Direct Mail Automation Use Cases for Insurance Agents

Seeking out new ways to edge out your competition is the key to exceeding your marketing goals. As an insurance agent, a direct mail API could be the most effective tool missing from your marketing toolkit. Leveraging automated direct mail is easier than you might think, too – even if you’re not tech-savvy. Some key reasons leveraging a direct mail API could be a game changer for your insurance agency include:

Using Automated Direct Mail Enables You to Easily Educate Audiences About the Risks of Going Uninsured

There’s likely a huge segment of your audience that needs to be convinced that insurance is worth having before you’ll be able to truly begin engaging with them. That’s why relying on a direct mail automation program to design and automatically send postcards to inform skeptics about the risks associated with remaining uninsured could be the best way to introduce yourself. And using Direct Mail Manager’s built-in design tool enables you to complete artwork for your postcard within minutes.


That combined with the ability to automate when your postcards get sent enables you to make valuable first impressions without having to spend too much time away from your daily responsibilities. You can kickstart your mailing campaign by making your first postcard geared towards educating new leads on the risks of lacking insurance, then follow up with another one that contains details about the insurance products you offer, along with some testimonials. There are multiple methods for connecting your CRM with direct mail manager too, including Zapier!

Agents Can Use Direct Mail Automation to Connect With Your Audience on Important Dates

Making inroads is just one way a direct mail API can transform your approach for connecting with potential clients. Automated direct mail campaigns could help you keep in touch with current clientele, too. Some examples include:


  • Policy Renewal Dates:

Suppose you have an email that automatically gets sent to your clients once their policy approaches its expiration date. You can do the same thing with a postcard. Once you complete your design, you can set up an automation that automatically mails it out to leads once their policy reaches a 60-day threshold before expiration. 


  • Birthdays, Holidays & Anniversaries:

You don’t have to restrict your outreach to business matters. One of the best ways to foster relationships with your current book of business is to leverage your first party data to reach out to them on the special days in their lives. Doing so has the potential to make recipients feel valued, and could result in them remaining a client for years to come.


  • Agency Updates & Changes:

Suppose your agency is changing its office location or adjusting its hours of operation. If your agency makes additions or changes that affect your processes, informing your clients about it could be more helpful than you think. The last thing you’d want is for clients to call or arrive at your office while you’re unavailable. 

Automated Direct Mail Makes Providing Important Updates Regarding Policy Changes Simple

Pretend that you’re in need of information from customers in order to maintain the accuracy of their records. Direct Mail Manager enables you to easily send letters to these customers informing them that you need more information from them for your records. A few examples of when you may benefit from leveraging Direct Mail Manager’s ability to automatically send letters include:


  • Changes in Service:

Let’s say you’re transitioning from offering just home insurance to now offering life and auto insurance too. The opportunity to pay one price for all of their insurance policies could entice clients to take you up on the new services you offer. And Direct Mail Manager’s segmentation capabilities makes the process of providing this update easier than you can imagine!


  • Pricing:

Suppose you’ve got a client that was recently involved in a car accident where they were at fault. This results in having to raise your rates for this client. Using Direct Mail Manager’s variable data printing capabilities enables you to include important data in the update you send like the automobile that was involved, the date and time of the accident, along with the price of the new policy. All it takes to leverage Direct Mail Manager’s variable data printing capabilities is to include the variable fields, along with the data itself on the spreadsheet you upload!


  • Updating Customer Files:

If you’re in need of information from customers in order to continue providing their coverage, email or phone may not be the best methods for connecting with them. Sending a personalized letter detailing the information you need and when you need it has a much better chance at catching the attention of clients. And that’s a must in order for them to provide you with the information you need.

Use Automated Direct Mail to Give Audiences a Break From Digital Marketing Messaging

Now, more than ever your audience is being inundated with advertisements whenever they turn on their televisions, or open up their smartphones or laptops. Giving audiences a break from the onslaught of online communication channels is a phenomenal way to set your agency apart from the crowd that continues relying heavily solely on digital marketing to connect with audiences. Considering how stiff the competition is, you can’t afford to leave any stone unturned in your quest to strengthen connections with your audience. That’s where personalized direct mail enters the picture.


Additionally, tracking the performance of your mailing campaigns is just as simple as measuring how your email or pay-per-click campaign performed. This gives you access to insights capable of helping you steadily improve your campaign performance. These insights offer a firsthand look at how your mailing campaigns perform against other marketing methods you use. And once you’ve set up your Free or Pro account, sending your first letter or postcard is just as straightforward as sending an email. 

Find Out Why Insurance Agents Love Using Direct Mail Automation Today – Schedule a Free Consultation!

Embark on your first automated direct mail campaign today with Direct Mail Manager. If you’d like assistance getting your first campaign started, our team of knowledgeable, friendly direct mail specialists is eager to get in touch with you. To get all of your questions answered, sign up for a complimentary demo at your earliest convenience by emailing [email protected] today.