Four Proven Ways to Try Leveraging Customer Data in Automated Mailing Campaigns This Year

Over the years, interacting with your leads and customers has allowed you to build a massive library of first-party data. If you’ve been at an impasse when it comes to how you can begin making the most of your customer data, you’re not the only one. The good news is that automating campaigns with Direct Mail Manager provides you with a multitude of options for leveraging that customer data. A few tried and true techniques for using your customer data are:

Include Realtime Images In Your Campaign Using Direct Mail Manager’s Google Street View Integration 

Direct Mail Manager provides users with access to a variety of integrations that enable you to get creative with how you can manage your data. One of the most effective ways to capture the attention of your recipients while leveraging your customer data is to use Direct Mail Manager’s Google Street View Integration to feature real-time images of a recipient’s home or business address on your postcards. This could help strengthen your connection with recipients more than you might realize. That’s especially the case if you’re a realtor.


Suppose you’re a real estate agent hoping to inform recipients you haven’t heard from in a while about new inventory on the market. You can use Direct Mail Manager’s Google Street View integration to show the exact address that’s on the market. This is also a great way for landscapers to showcase a job well-done. And including these images in your artwork can be accomplished within the matter of minutes by following these steps.

Use Purchase History to Automatically Send Product and Inventory Updates

One of the most straightforward ways to leverage your customer data is to nudge your audience towards their next purchase. And believe it or not, an automated mailing campaign is one of the best solutions for doing that. A few methods for using postcards to get your audience thinking about a next purchase include:


  • Just Restocked:


Suppose you’ve got a hot product that you can’t seem to keep stocked. In this case, letting customers who purchased that hot product know that it’s back in stock could get recipients to make another purchase. That’s especially true if they know it won’t stay in stock for very long.


  • Running Low:


If inventory on a particular product is running low, letting your audience know could be a huge help. You never know who might be shopping for a birthday or an anniversary. With that in mind, sending along a postcard updating audiences on your inventory could be instrumental in earning a purchase.


  • New Products Recipients May Enjoy:


Making product recommendations is another way to make inroads with your audience. And your first party data is essential to making recommendations that your audience will actually use. Using customer purchase history to point recipients towards products similar to ones that have been purchased previously could be a great way to gain both trust and sales.

Four Proven Ways to Try Leveraging Customer Data in Automated Mailing Campaigns This Year


Differentiate Your Postcard Design Based On Your Recipients Interests

Don’t underestimate the impact the design of your postcard could have on the success of your campaign. Direct Mail Manager’s variable data printing capabilities allow you to include certain images and details on postcards sent to specific recipients. A few ideas to help you get started include:


  • Showcase Customers Favorite Products:


One of the best ways to grab the attention of lapsed customers is to include images that will deliver a sense of familiarity. What better way to do that than by showcasing a product that a customer has ordered multiple times in the past. Or by showcasing an item that a lead has left in their cart. The customer data you collect provides endless possibilities for images you should include on your postcards.


  • Use Your Design to Draw Attention to an Ongoing Discount:


Suppose you’d like to extend an offer to a customer that hasn’t ordered in a while that’s a little steeper than the one you’re giving to customers that have ordered recently. In this case, your first party data combined with Direct Mail Manager’s variable data printing capabilities make this easier than you can imagine. 


  • Customize Your Call to Action:


Let’s say for instance that you want some of the recipients on your mailing list to make a purchase, but you want other recipients to simply check out what’s new. You can use Direct Mail Manager’s variable data printing capabilities to ensure that the right audience receives the right CTA with ease.


Use a QR Code to Take Recipients to Different Destinations

QR codes are good for more than replacing physical menus. Including a QR code on your postcard can enhance your campaign, too. First is the fact that they can be used to lead recipients to a specific landing page where they can take an action like signing up for a consultation or more information. And if you have some members on your mailing list that are further down your sales funnel, you can use a different QR code to take them directly to a page where they can make a purchase. 


As an added bonus, including QR codes on your postcards can also help you track the success of your campaigns. And one of the worst mistakes you could make is failing to track the results of your direct mail campaign. QR codes are among the most effective ways to track your campaign because once it ends, you’ll receive a report informing you of how many scans it received. Along with QR codes, campaign-specific phone numbers can also help you track campaign success.

Start Making Better Use of Your Customer Data With Direct Mail Manager

If you’re unsure of where to start when it comes to leveraging customer data in your next campaign, don’t worry. The experts at Direct Mail Manager have been helping marketers implement high performing campaigns using their customer data for years. To get your next campaign started, sign up for a Free or Pro Direct Mail Manager account today. And if you need help, no problem! One of our automated direct mail experts is glad to sit down with you to get your questions answered at your earliest convenience.