Can Variable Data Printing Capabilities Help Landscapers Earn More Clientele? Yes – Here’s How

The competition among landscaping companies in your market is only getting fiercer. That means you need every resource available for attracting and retaining your clientele. One of the best resources available is direct mail that leverages variable data printing capabilities. If you’re unsure of how variable data printing can help you grow your landscaping business, you’re in the right place. Below, you’ll find all the insights you need regarding why variable data printing is a must-have for your next campaign.

What Differentiates Mail That Includes Variable Data From Static Direct Mail?

If you’re new to direct mail, you may be unaware of what variable data printing is or how it helps your mail pieces stand out. Variable data printing enables you to leverage all of your first-party data to create campaigns that resonate with your audience better than a “one-size-fits-all” mailer. A few ways variable data printing differentiates your campaigns from ones relying on static direct mail include:


  • Variable Data Allows You to Change Information On Your Mailers Based on the Recipient:


Personalized messaging is a must for capturing the attention of most audiences nowadays. And Direct Mail Manager makes delivering personalized messaging easier than ever with variable data printing allows you to include the first names, hometowns, and previous services saved in your CRM onto your mail pieces. All you need to do is make sure you include the custom field(s) you’d like to use on the mailing list you upload.

  • You Can Use Variable Data Printing to Address Specific Pain Points Certain Audiences Face:

Don’t underestimate the impact of using variable data to directly address your audience’s concerns. Providing audiences with marketing materials based on services or products they’ve used or shown interest in previously enables you to connect with audiences by delivering news they feel they can actually use. And that could be exactly what it takes to differentiate your landscaping business from competitors.

  • Variable Data Printing Allows You To Provide Different Segments With Separate Offers/Discounts:

Part of the challenge regarding marketing is providing audiences with the best offer at the perfect time. The ability to provide certain segments of your audience with specific discounts makes overcoming this challenge easier than ever. Using Direct Mail Manager allows users to filter out contacts to create mailing segments within minutes. And using variable data printing, you can provide different segments with appropriate offers or discounts.

Google Street View and Variable Data Printing Allows You to Easily Showcase Your Work

Allowing you to easily showcase previous landscaping jobs you’re proud of is one of the biggest benefits of mailing campaigns. Direct Mail Manager’s integration with Google Street View allows you to take that to the next level by allowing you to include actual photos of homes you’ve done landscaping work at on your postcards with just a few simple steps. Combining Google Street View with Variable Data Printing helps your direct mail stand out head and shoulders above competitors. And it allows you to showcase different projects based on the interest of your segments.


For instance, suppose that you’ve got previous clients that you performed lawn mowing work for. In this case, using Google Street View to display the front lawn of a nearby client is a great way to capture the attention of leads whose front lawns are in desperate need of some attention. Additionally, including real-time images of your work eliminates questions regarding the level of service you provide. 

Variable Data Printing With Google Street View Enables You to Display Familiarity With Your Service Areas

Earning new clientele in an area where you don’t have a lot of brand recognition is easier said than done. That’s because most homeowners are hesitant to leave the task of maintaining their lawns to unproven landscapers. But combining variable data printing with Google Street View is a great way to overcome this obstacle.


Let’s say for example you’re trying to break into a new territory in an area with known issues with weeds eating away at homeowners’ gardens. You could use Google Street View to feature homes in that neighborhood on your postcards instead of stock images. This could help recipients understand that you’re a local provider capable of understanding residents’ top concerns. And that could be exactly what it takes to earn the trust necessary to earn more lifelong clients.

Variable Data Printing Enables You to Deliver Personalized Marketing Material Competitors Can’t Provide

Going above and beyond to provide your audience with personalized marketing messaging has the potential to revolutionize your landscaping business. That’s especially true when you consider the fact that much of your competition isn’t doing everything they can to create unique, one-of-a-kind marketing materials. Leveraging a direct mail automation platform that allows you to personalize your campaigns with fully variable designs takes your marketing efforts to the next level.


Imagine receiving two postcards from competing landscaping companies one day. The first postcard you read has a stock image of a couple of well-maintained landscapes, along with copy detailing all the ways they’re better than the competition. But the competing postcard includes an image of a home right down the street, and a few certifications, all while addressing you by name. For most people, the business that sent the second postcard would be the one getting the phone call once you’re ready to find a new landscaping provider.

Begin Leveraging Variable Data Printing Capabilities With Direct Mail Manager Today

Sending postcards that include variable data printing could be exactly what it takes to begin attracting and keeping more clientele. And if you need help getting your direct mail campaign off the ground, we’re here to help! Our team of direct mail experts has helped dozens of landscaping companies just like yours harness the power of postcard marketing – and yours can be next! All you need to do is request a free demo. If you’re ready to start mailing, simply sign up for a free or pro account and upload your first list today!