DMM Integrations

Complete Guide to Using Direct Mail Manager’s Shopify Integration to Boost Repeat Sales

Keeping in touch with shoppers that have either purchased items from your store, or displayed interest in your products has never been easier. That’s because Direct Mail Manager has just launched a brand-new integration with Shopify allowing store managers to implement mailing campaigns to specific segments within minutes. Below, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to maximize it. Let’s dive in!

Getting Started

To get started, you’ll need to ensure your DMM account is active, along with your Shopify store before logging in. Then once you’re logged into Direct Mail Manager, you’ll log into Shopify and set up your API Key.

Set Up Your API Key

Once you’re logged into Shopify, navigate to the side panel underneath the Direct Mail Manager tab, then select settings.

Shopify API Key

Choose Your Subscription Tier:

Once you’ve confirmed that your API key is in place, you’ll need to choose a subscription tier if you plan to have more than 5 automated campaigns active at one time. The basic tier allows you to have 5 active automated campaigns at the same time. The Pro ($5) tier enables you to have 10 active automated campaigns, and the unlimited tier ($10) enables you to have as many as you’d like.

Shopify subscription tiers

Choose a Pre-Defined Automated Campaign:

There are several campaigns you have the ability to start immediately. Those options include:

  • Campaigns for abandoned carts.
  • Bounce back campaigns for lapsed customers. 
  • First purchase campaigns.
  • Re-engagement campaigns.
  • And best customer campaigns. 

Pre-defined automated campaigns

Below we’ll provide you with a walk through on how to execute each one.

First Purchase

Let’s say for instance that you’re hoping to send postcards to customers after their first purchase to thank them for their order. In this case, the first purchase flow is perfect for you.

Shopify first purchase campaign

Step 1: Name Your Campaign

The first step is to give your campaign a name. In this case considering the segment we’re mailing, we’ll name this campaign “thank you postcards”.

Step 2: Set Campaign to Active

Your postcards won’t be sent unless you set your campaign as active. To do that, simply navigate to the status dropdown and select “Active”.

Step 3: Implement Triggers

Triggers tell the Direct Mail Manager system when a postcard should go out. To ensure that it gets sent after a customer places their first order, you’ll select “order completed” as your trigger here.

Shopify triggers

Step 4: Include Filter(s) if Necessary

Suppose you’ve got a mailing campaign centered on providing customers that purchased a certain new product with a discount on their next purchase. This is where filters come into play. In this case, you can filter out customers that purchased that product by including an SKU filter. This allows you to send first purchase postcards to anyone in your database except those that purchased the new product you’re marketing separately.

Shopify filters

Step 5: Choose Size

Now, you can choose how large you want your postcard to be: 4×6 or 6×9.

shopify size screenshot

Step 6: Select Artwork

After you choose the size of your postcard, you’ll be prompted to select your artwork. The files you’ll be able to select from are directly from your Direct Mail Manager account. If you’d like to make any changes to the options you see here, be sure to go back to your DMM dashboard.

screenshot first purchase artwork

Step 7: Save Your Campaign

Once you’ve completed these steps, make sure to review the details you entered and save your work. And voila! Your first campaign is now set up and you’re ready to begin automatically mailing your audience.

shopify save button

Bounce Back

Upselling or cross-selling audiences can yield big dividends for your store. This is where bounce back campaigns enter the picture. Leveraging bounce back campaigns enables you to reconnect with recent shoppers by allowing them to sign up for a warranty, or by  introducing them to similar products they’ve purchased in the past they may be interested in buying. 

Step 1. Name Your Campaign

Since we’re implementing this campaign in hopes of winning back lapsed customers, we’ll title this campaign, “upsell.”

shopify bounce back campaign

Step 2. Implement Triggers

If you’re hoping to implement a campaign aimed towards winning back lost customers, you’ll want to avoid mailing anyone that has ordered from your store recently. In order to do this, you’ll need to make sure that your trigger is set to “last order placed (days ago).” Otherwise you could turn off potential loyal customers.

Shopify bounce back trigger

Step 3. Include # of Days Since Last Purchase 

After that trigger is selected, keep in mind that you don’t want to mail anyone that’s purchased from your store anytime recently. Your best bet for success with this type of campaign is to ensure that you’re mailing customers that haven’t purchased from your store within the past 90 days or so.

Step 4. Choose Size, Artwork & Finalize Your Campaign

Now, simply follow the same process as steps 4-7 above and save your work.

Abandoned Cart

Imagine how many people navigate to your website just to fill up their carts only for them to get a phone call, text message or other distraction that prevents them from completing their order. The reality is these customers may not return to finalize their order unless you remind them. That’s the exact problem abandoned cart campaigns can solve. 

After an item remains in your cart for an hour, it’s considered abandoned. This allows you to send these potential customers postcards incentivizing them to complete their purchase. Keep in mind that this only works when you have their address on file due to past orders or as a result of signing up for a mailing list.

name your bounce back campaign

Step 1. Name Your Campaign

For your abandoned cart campaign, let’s keep it simple and name it, “Abandoned Carts.”

Step 2. Implement Triggers

shopify abandoned cart trigger

In this case, since we only want people that have abandoned their carts to receive these postcards, our trigger will be “abandoned checkout.”

Step 3. Include # of Days Since Last Purchase

You can leave this field blank since it won’t impact your trigger.

Step 4. Choose Size, Select Artwork & Finalize Your Campaign

Now, you can continue following steps 4-7 and complete your campaign.

Re Engagement

Similar to the bounce back flow we discussed earlier, the customer reengagement sequence is designed to help you reconnect with dormant shoppers. Ideally, you’d execute bounce back campaigns to capture the attention of someone who’s purchased more recently. Re Engagement campaigns, on the other hand, are the perfect way to capture the attention of past customers that have been dormant for an even longer period of time.

shopify customer reingagement screen

Step 1. Name Your Campaign

In this situation to help differentiate this sequence from your bounce back campaign, we’ll title it “We Miss You!” 

Step 2. Implement Triggers

Here, we’ll make the trigger “last order placed days ago.” 

Step 3. Include # of Days Since Last Purchase

Then in the next field, include the amount of days since the recipients last order. Since this campaign is geared towards people that haven’t ordered in a longer period of time than our bounce back campaign, the number of days here should be at least 180 days.

Step 4. Select Artwork Size, Choose a Design & Save Your Campaign

Follow the same steps as 4-7 above. Once you’ve finished, be sure to save your work!

Best Customers

Let’s turn our focus towards those that have been persistently shopping with you. After all, a mailing campaign geared towards connecting with your best customers could do more to strengthen your relationship with them than you think!

Shopify Best Customers Screen

Step 1. Ideal for Implementing Loyalty programs, frequent order discounts, etc.

A Best Customers campaign enables you to implement loyalty programs and discounts with ease. Picture this: you’re an ecommerce retailer selling athletic shoes. After a customer signs up for your loyalty program and places 5 orders within their first few months as a member, you can send them a postcard offering a 20% discount on their next order. This could be exactly what it takes to prevent customers from ever jumping to a competitor.

Step 2. Name Your Campaign

Here, you can title the name of your campaign after the name of your loyalty program, or just keep it simple and call it “Best Customers.”

Step 3. Implement Trigger

For your trigger, select “last order placed days ago”. Then determine how far out from the customers 5th order you’d like for them to get their discount postcard.

Step 4. Setup Filters – Order Count

After that, you’ll set up your filter which in this case is order count. In order for recipients to receive their discount after their 5th order, the order count should equal 5.

Step 5. Choose Size, Select Artwork and Save Your Campaign

Now, it’s time to continue following steps 4-7. Select your artwork size, pick out a design and save your campaign.

Create a Segment or Use Pre-Defined Segments

There may be situations when you’ll want to connect with segments of your audience that aren’t covered by the predefined campaigns we discussed. In these situations, it’s best to create your own segments from scratch. To do that, follow the steps below.

Step 1. Navigate to Segments

Check the side panel of your Shopify dashboard and click on Segments or, underneath advanced options select one time segment mailing.

shopify one time send campaign

Step 2. Create Your Segment

Then, click on the button in the top-right corner that says, “create segment.”

create your segment

Step 3. Segment Templates

Since the segments here come directly from your Shopify data, you have the option to leverage templates to create them, or to do so from scratch. To use templates, hover your mouse above the hyperlink that says “templates” in the text box.

shopify segment templates

Then navigate to the side panel to select from a list of template options to create your new segment.

Step 4. Add Filter(s) if necessary

If you’re okay with the segment the template provides you, move onto the next steps. Otherwise, place your cursor into the search field underneath the side panel that says “filters” and choose from the list.

shopify segment filters

Step 5. Click Apply

Once you’ve finished adding your filters, click “apply filters.” Then select “apply” underneath the text box. If you didn’t add filters to your template, just click “apply.”

shopify segments apply filters

Once you’ve finished adding your filters, click “apply filters.” Then select “apply” underneath the text box. If you didn’t add filters to your template, just click “apply.”

Step 6. Save Your Segment

Once you click apply, you’ll be able to validate your segment by saving it.

shopify validate segment

Step 7. Name Your Segment

After you’ve saved your segment, give it a name that you’ll remember.

shopify name segment

Step 8. Select Your Segment

To mail the segment you just created, navigate to the Direct Mail Manager tab in your Shopify Dashboard then click “segments”.

shopify segments

Step 9. Choose Your Artwork Size

Once you click on the segment you’re hoping to mail, you can begin following the same steps as before to finalize your campaign. That means selecting the size of your artwork – 4×6 or 6×9.

shopify mail segment

Select Your Front and Back Artwork

Continue following the same steps from 4-7 above.

Save Your Campaign

After you’ve chosen the design you’d like to use, save your campaign and you’re all set!

Begin Mailing Your Shopify Customers With Direct Mail Manager Today!

The integration Direct Mail Manager has with Shopify is just one example of how our team pushes the envelope to make leveraging direct mail campaigns easier than ever. To begin maximizing this integration to begin strengthening your connection with customers, sign up for a Direct Mail Manager account today. Our team of specialists is eager to help you embark on your journey with postcard marketing!